
 The Faculty of Agriculture departments have good infrastructure. Faculty of Agriculture is educational and scientific institution and covers educational and scientific/research activities in the area of farming, fruit growing and viticulture, livestock, soil management, crop protection and food products, agricultural techniques, food technology and biochemistry and agroeconomics. Faculty conducts classes (lectures, exercises, professional practices and other forms of teaching), in its frame of educational activity, in compliance with the curriculum for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies, also conducts knowledge tests (exams, tests etc..), additional training and professional examinations for people with diploma of academic studies in this area of education.

Name of CourseIntakeDurationEligibility
B.Sc(Agriculture)804 Years / 8 Sem12th with Math/Science/English
B.A(Agriculture)803 Years / 6 Sem12th with Math/Science/English

Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure Capital University Jharkhand , adopts merit based, transparent and uniform cross comparable admission process. The candidates will be enrolled through Entrance Test only. Test score of all National or State Level Entrance Tests i.e. AIEEE, JEE etc. will be considered. If student has not appeared in any National or State Entrance Test, then student has to appear in the University Entrance Test. All fees will be accepted through Demand Draft, drawn in the favour of "Capital University", payable at Koderma . CUJ reserves the right to revise the fee. No form will be accepted without the fee and eligibility documents.